Monday, April 4, 2011

Journal Jar

I have always had kind of a hard time writing in a journal.  Can’t think of something meaningful to write about or it just seems that my same-old-same-old day after day routine wouldn’t be interesting enough to write down.
Well, here is a way to get ideas of what to write.  A great way to help your kids and future family to know about you…..a journal jar.
You don’t have to decorate your jar, but I chose to make it a little more pleasing to the eye to have sitting out.  I added scrapbook paper and ribbon to it….super easy.

What You’ll Need:
- A jar (I used a canning jar found at the grocery store)
- Mod Podge (I prefer mat over the glossy finish)
- Sponge brush
- Scissors
- Scrapbook paper
- Ribbon

The How To:
- First trace the lid of your jar on to your paper.  Then cut it out.
- Next ‘paint’ mod podge all over the back of your paper cut out with your sponge brush.
- Place the paper on your lid and then paint mod podge on the top of your lid.  Be sure to ‘paint’ the edges of the paper well with the mod podge.
- While that is drying.  Cute some ribbon to tie around your jar. And then tie it on.
- When the lid is dry you can then place it on the jar.
Now here comes the fun part of filling the jar……below are some great ideas to help you get started on your own jar.  You can add new ideas or remove the ones that don’t apply to you.
- Write or print the following ideas (that are at the end of this post) on to paper of your choice.
- Then cut, fold, and put them in your jar. And then your journal jar is all set!

When you start to put your journal jar to use….don’t think to hard about the topic that you pull out of it.  Write down the first thing that comes to your mind. Every little tid bit recorded will help your family and future generations to know you better.
Now all you need is a pen and some paper to start recording YOUR story on!  =)
IDEAS/TOPICS for YOUR Journal Jar :
My favorite holiday
Summer time fun
Favorite Music
What I like to do in my spare time.
Most embarrassing moment
My childhood Best Friend.
Clothing styles when I was 16.
We went camping….
A typical Saturday for me.
My very first memory
at Grandma’s House….
My favorite road trip
The first time I kissed a boy
Going to the county fair.
Christmas as a kid
My childhood house
My favorite home as an adult
When I got engaged..
What we did all summer.
If I had a day all to myself.
Visiting a foreign country
My hairstyles.
The first time I sewed…
Christmas as a mom.
Reading books to my kids.
My wedding day.
Foods I love.
Foods I hate.
When I was 12….
Childhood pet.
Sports I can play.
I cried.
5 things I wish I’d done, but I was too scared to.
the first time I voted.
our childhood car.
I lied.
A trip to the beach.
I was in the school play.
Hidden talents.
songs I still have memorized.
the price of food from a grocery store.
Someone I love passed away.
My baby was born.

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