Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Tree

Here is a really easy craft that you kids will love.....and the best part is that I already had all the stuff for it around the house.

What You'll Need:
- Piece of paper (NOT construction paper)

- A straw

-Water color paints (brown for the trunk of the tree)

- Glue

- Colored tissue paper

The How To:
- First make the brown in you watercolors really watery.

-Then put a good sized 'drop' of it on your paper.


- Now take your straw and start to blow the drop.

- Change the direction that you blow from to make the branches.


- Now let the paint dry.

- After that tear or cut little pieces of your tissue paper for the 'blossoms' on your tree.

- Crumple them up

- And then glue them on!


We did ours on notecards....perfect size for a spring card to send to your loved ones.

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