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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tissue Paper Cherry Blossom Tree

These Cherry Blossoms are a beautiful way to bring spring inside your home.

What you’ll need:
-Light Pink Tissue Paper
-Dry Branches
-Hot Glue Gun
-Glue Stick

The how to:
1- Cut the pink tissue paper into 1 1/2 inch squares.
2- Fold the squares in half, than in half again. (fold several tissue papers at once)
3- Cut the folded tissue paper into the shape of a flower petal (careful not to cut the fold)
4- Open up the folded tissue paper.  It should look like a four petal flower.
5- Use a small dot of glue stick to glue two of the four petal flowers together with the petals offsetting each other.
6- Place a blunt pencil in the center of the now eight petal flower.
7- Wrap the flower around the end of the pencil until it resembles a flower blossom.
8- Your flower is now ready to hot glue onto the dry branches.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, thanks!