We are happy to share our photos and tutorials with anyone interested in spotlighting our crafts. Please be sure to link to our original posts and give us credit for our work. Thank you for your consideration and respect. We hope you enjoy our blog!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Paper Bag Fall Tree

Help your Children decorate for fall with this easy craft.

What you'll need:
-Brown paper lunch bags
-Paper (Fall colors)

 The how to:

1- Cut lunch bag into half inch strips.  Start at the opening and cut half way down the bag.

2- Open bag and stand it up.

3- Hold base of bag with one hand and twist the middle of bag to create the trunk of the tree.

4- (example of finished trunk)

5- Twist two of the bag strips together to create branches.

6- (example of finished branches)

7- Rip strips of colored paper into tiny pieces and glue them all over the branches of the tree.



Anonymous said...

Hi! I'd like to use your picture to place in a lesson plan. I work for a before and after school daycare in Missouri called Kid's Country. The picture and details will be in my curriculum plan for 2012-2013. Thanks! -Shannon LaRosh, Kid's Country Lee's Summit MO

Kimberly said...

Cute! I've been wanting to make one of these for a while.

Andrea said...

My kids would love to make this. Thanks for sharing.

dee said...

I'm thinkin' VBS craft! Thanks for the idea!

Susan said...

For older students you can use it to teach adjectives. Write words on leaves to describe the trunk, the leaves, or just the tree itself.

Ben said...

Great idea! My daughter will love this! We could even do different sized ones with different coloured leaves and create a fairy forrest. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


I've pinned this to pinterest.

pretty panther said...

That such a great idea! So simple and so creative! Love that tree! :D

Scrapidea said...

good idea !!!

Anonymous said...

Great tutorial with very cute results!

Unknown said...

did these at school from another website. The kindergarteners had a really hard time with them but the 2nd grade loved them and really got into it. As a home project any age could do it with help.

CastleofCostaMesa said...

Ingenius! I am thinking of making a felt or fabric version of your wonderful tree for my table top puppet of Waldorf Seasons Nature table...inspiring! Thanks! - Jzin

CastleofCostaMesa said...

Ingenius! I am thinking of making a felt or fabric version of your wonderful tree for my table top fairy tale puppet theater or Waldorf Seasons Nature table...inspiring! Thanks! - Jzin

Clemencia said...

I love your tree, I have to make one for my classroom with my little ones :) thanks for sharing

Queen Bea Scraps said...

What a cute idea. It can be used for Halloween and/or Fall. I think I'm going to try to make it.

Nadine said...

Thank you for this cute idea. I made the trees with my sons yesterday.


Molly said...

What a great idea, I love it and will do it at school with my kids.
Lovely hugs

Verena said...

This is such an awesome idea! Thanks so much for sharing!


Jenn Hethcoat said...

I'd love to pin this (and maybe a million of your super cute ideas!) but I wanted to double check with you first since it isn't listed in your share buttons.

If not... I'll bookmark!

We have shadow boxes on our wall for each of our three kids and every season/holiday we try to put a new art project in them ... we got the shadow boxes specifically so that if a cute 3D project like this came along we'd still be able to display it!


Clammy said...

Feel free to pin this idea (or any other one on here that you like)! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I made a family tree for english with this teacher loved it

Unknown said...

I love this! Doing it today :)

Unknown said...

Hey Pikadillycharm,

I work for http://www.sheknows.com and are doing an article on cheap crafts. We came across your page (http://pikadillycharm.blogspot.com/search/label/Paper%20Craft) and was wondering if we could use your photos from it, if we link back to your site?

Katie Owen

Clammy said...

Thanks everyone! I am glad that so many of you are enjoying this craft! =)

Clammy said...

Hi Katie,

We at Pikadillycharm would be more than happy to let you use our photos and link back to us!
Thanks! =)


Joséphine said...


J'ai découvert, il y a quelques temps, votre blog et j'ai été intéressée par les activités que vous décrivez. Surtout celles faites avec les enfants âgés de 3 à 6 ans.
Ancienne institutrice d'école maternelle en France, j'ai moi-même un blog où je présente des travaux d'Arts Plastiques faits à l'école.
J'aurais souhaité vous emprunter 2 photos pour présenter votre blog à mes collègues.
Me permettez-vous de publier les photos " Paper bag Fall Tree" sur mon blog? Je rajouterai, bien sûr, un lien vers votre site.
Merci d'avance.
Toutes mes excuses de n'avoir pas écrit en Anglais, mais mon anglais n'est pas bon du tout.


Anonymous said...

My son made this and then lightly painted the limbs, tree trunk, roots and grass with watercolors.

It turned out awesome!

Clammy said...

Hi Josephine,

You are more than welcome to use some of our photos as long as you link back to our site.

I'm glad that you find this post useful. Have fun with it. =)

Pikadilly Charm

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Thanks for permission to pin - this looks like such a great craft for my kids - easy but with stunning results! Thanks.

Bishop said...

Hi I've pinned this to pinterest.

Mila said...

Thank You so much for this idea. I did it with my speial ed science class and they loved it. Had a great time with this.

Theresasyuc said...

For older students you can use it to teach adjectives. Write words on leaves to describe the trunk, the leaves, or just the tree itself.

Puddintaign said...

Thanks for this super tree craft! I made one today after discovering this post on Pinterest. I have repined it, too. Thanks again.

kamyk said...

Beautiful trees:) Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

Lovely autumnal piece, bet the kids love it! We're looking to ways to incorporate craft like this into our learning & play ranges - working on some Halloween ideas right now!


Anonymous said...

Do you think it would work, or have you have tried, making it with leaf bags??? They would be a larger version for my classroom... I am thinking of trying it but don't want to spend the money if I don't have to!

MIla said...

Well organize tutorial! I linked it in my post.

MIla said...

Check pls,

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. I brought it to my Wolf Scouts Den meeting for a holiday craft for autumn/halloween, and when the kids (7 year olds) were done with the trees, they made paperbag puppets of their costumes or favorite monsters. Thank you - all the parents have been wanting to do this forever.

Anonymous said...

Great idea, we used real leaves from our yard!

Anonymous said...

There are paper punches with small leaves of either a maple or an oak leaf, these would be fun to use with this tree! Doing it for a Fall Festival Craft for parents while the kiddos participate in games, etc. Thanks for a fabulous idea!!

Scouting Mom P212 said...

What a cool idea- I am using this for my 1st OCT Cub Den meeting as an activity. In line with the new program- I added blue cardstock words (I built a table in Word) and cut them out for the 9 points of the Scout Law. The scouts can glue them on the tree around the leaves. Love this idea. Thanks for posting

Unknown said...

Love this! We made them at my Girl Scout meeting last week. Easy tutorial with great pictures!

gabi@madewithbluemchen.at said...

what a nice idea! Thanks for sharing. Gabi

Unknown said...

This is super cute! I plan on doing this with my 5th and 6th grade girls at church tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving. We'll make the trees then add leaves stating what they are thankful for. Thank you for sharing your fun ideas!

Unknown said...

This is such good idea. I loved it... And I have included this post in my '15 Awesome Gratitude filled Thanksgiving Ideas' blog post. Do come over and check it out!

Unknown said...

I'm using it tomorrow with just yellow leaves and calling it a mustard plant/tree to teach the parable of the mustard seed. Thanks for a great craft!

Baigon said...

Awesome post!This is a great idea! I am always looking for great 're purposing' ideas. I have tons of magazines that are larger like rolling stones that are not worth anything. I could make some gift bags out of those i'm thinking. Thanks for sharing!

Serviced Apartments London Lady said...

The petals really make it don't they? Gorgeous tutorial!

Unknown said...

Nice Information! I personally really appreciate your article. This is a great website. I will make sure that I stop back again!
paper bags

Renee C said...

Thanks so much for sharing. I plan to pull some of your ideas into a children ministry lesson on "Reaping the Harvest."

Unknown said...

Hi, I'd like to share your lovely craft with my kids in Sunday school. I really like your idea, Thank you so much :-)

Sher said...

Thanks so much for a wonderful idea, I do before & after school extended day program and can't wait to make this with the kids ��

Unknown said...

So creative.we are paper bags suppliers.

legend said...

wow, beautiful! My child would like this! I will make this kind of tree with him.

Natasha said...

Oh I loved this! I just made one for my crafting post and linked back to your post here and your blog, so thank you for sharing. I've now got a nice autumnal tree on my windowsill! - Tasha

Emily Seilhamer said...

I work in activities at a nursing home and my residents loved this craft! My husband and I also have an unconventional Christmas tree tradition so this year we made a life size version out of a 15 ft paper bag. I wanted to thank you for the inspiration! This won't let me upload a picture but here's a link to our Christmas album and the time lapse video we made while building it. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Emily Seilhamer



Brooke said...

This is really cute! Good job! I'm not as crafty as you but I saw some good mottos about Autumn that would be wonderful touch to add on the leaves of the trees. I'll leave them here and let me know what you think! Autumn Slogans

Brooke said...

Super cool crafts, it would be even more fun to add some Fall riddles to the mix I think. If you want I can share some I found here with you: Fall Riddles

Anonymous said...

You bich